Body After Baby
What's one of the most emotional phases of motherhood?
Seeing your body for the first time after you have your baby.
Now don't get me wrong, there's a huge difference between your stripes (stretch marks) and the deflated squishy balloon you have after all is said and done. Be proud of those stripes! You earned them and there's no other way in this world that you were meant to get them than carrying that perfect little baby!

All day long I hear from women who are just in tears or mortified by the aftermath results. Trust me when I say, those feelings are valid and it is perfectly normal for you to feel that way. However, remember that this is only tentative. Of course you're going to have excess skin! You just carried a little human and he or she needed some leg room!
Continuing life after baby is born is taken one step at a time. We as mommies really do get hit with a double whammy. Why? Because not only do we have to deal with the emotions associated with the post-pregnancy body, but some of us have to deal with postpartum depression. It makes absolutely no sense! You couldn't be more happy, but you're still crying for the silliest reasons! #CrazyPerson LOL
Classic cases: Your baby smiles at you and you start balling!!! LOL
You take out an outfit to dress them and hold up the little pants.... Start balling!
Your baby blows a spit bubble... You know it, lol, you're balling again!
Although we know it's our hormones all being out of whack, it still makes no good sense! The best times are when you start balling in from of someone else and they ask you what's wrong.
You: "I don't know!"
They say, "Then why are you crying?
Now you're laughing and crying.
"I don't know!" LOL
Ay yi yi, lol, the things we go through as women. Postpartum can really do a number on how you feel about your appearance, but realize again this too is tentative.
Another really emotional aspect of your post pregnancy body is wondering about your sex life. 1: Now that there's a baby in house and 2: How you're going to feel about your appearance, let's just tell it like it is, when you're naked. Though I know it can be difficult you really have to try to find a happy medium. Once you accept the fact that, "Okay, I may have postpartum and I just had my baby, of course I'm going to look like this." Acceptance is the first step. Well call this : PPA, Post Pregnancy Association. :) Your objective at this point is to make a goal and when you're ready, move toward it. You have 6 weeks or longer if you've had a c-section to wait until you can do anything with your body. So settle your little bunz down and relax for those few weeks! Once you get clearance from your OB, then it's time to put your goal into action.

One of the big things I advise you not to do is go online and look at women's bodies who have not had kids and who are ripped up. Of course they're in shape! They have no reason not to be and I'm sure they train every single day and have a clean diet! Sure, you can have someone you strive to look like, but keep realistic expectations in the beginning. Comparing your body initially to someone who has never carried a child can't do much more than discourage you. Admiration is one thing, but obsession and envy are another. Throughout my career in fitness training, I will tell you that the #1 reason for women and men who quit their workouts is they have set their expectations too high initially and they're not seeing the results as quickly as they'd like to so they quit.

Quiting is never the solution. The same workout doesn't work for everyone. That's why you have to explore a little and see what works for you. As women, we tend to compare ourselves to each other. Why we do this? I have no clue. We do it even when we don't mean to. Competition, I swear, is the greater evil. Don't allow yourself to be consumed by it. Get in shape and get happy for you, not for anyone else. Now I do feel that for the record, this blog entry is a generalization. Of course, there are some women who bounce back quickly and some effortlessly, but for the vast majority of us, this entry pertains to most of us appropriately. :)

Getting in shape should be a positive experience. I didn't say it wouldn't be a painful experience, no pain no gain, but it hurts to be beautiful! All jokes aside, workout out isn't only good for your physique, but it just makes you feel better overall. It's healthy to get some exercise on a regular basis both physically and emotionally. I, personally, tend to be a hermit at times and I will be the first to tell you that when I put exercise in my daily routine, the rest of my day just seems to mesh a little better and I seem to be able to handle more.
With all that said, Love MomStyle is here to encourage, inspire and motivate you! Make sure to check back frequently for new fitness tips and videos! We're here for you! Let's do this together because you deserve to get back to you and feel beautiful!
<3 Love MomStyle
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