Today, let’s talk LoveMomStyle.
I created the idea for LoveMomStyle back in 2010 and in January of 2011 we started production. On February 14th, 2011, we found out we were expecting!!! How perfect and what great timing!!
Now for the guts of LMS. Women often ask me what made me decide to start a company like LoveMomStyle. Well, I started it for a number of reasons.
I have a friend whom I had grown up with since childhood. Our moms even grew up together. We were close for many many years and like many cases, you grow apart as you grow older. Different interests. Different groups of friends. While we were in high school she lost her mom to a brain tumor. I couldn’t imagine losing a parent at that age. I can’t even imagine losing a parent now for that matter! Years passed and we both grew up, got married and had babies. After a few years passed, and we got to catch up. We talked about our childhood, her mom passing, and how difficult it was not having a mother or family period, around during her pregnancy and motherhood. I couldn’t even fathom the thought of having no support during such a vital time. No one to call if I have

time mommy. No one to even share in the excitement of your baby’s first words or first steps or even just the silly things your babies do that bring you so much joy.
For that reason, I felt in my heart that there was a
desperate need for a company like LoveMomStyle.
As I began to talk to more women about their experiences with pregnancy, motherhood and just life in general, I realized there was so much I had to offer and I wanted to help be a support for strangers who would eventually become friends because I had personally experienced so many obstacles and emotional roller coasters myself.
Even if you know of other people experiencing similar obstacles, for some reason learning first hand of their personal experiences really helps to encourage you and helps you find a way to manage the delicate issues you face as a woman, mother and human being, period.
LoveMomStyle touches on just about ever subject, good and bad. I’ve learned even the most intelligent, most diverse individuals still have room to learn and you should never assume someone knows something if you never tell them.
LoveMomStyle has allowed me to build a platform where I can share my experience and lend support. I know personally, I have faced ups and downs with my weight especially after my pregnancies and I feel it was bit harder for me to handle because I am in the public eye. You face your everyday negative people. “There goes that body”. “There goes your career”. Some people love the feed off of the possibility of you being hindered or less than you were before. Although motherhood is like nothing else in this world and I know most women wouldn’t trade it for the world,
Reality check:
You have to work on you before you can work on anyone else. I wanted to integrate this phase into LoveMomStyle. The food came naturally.
Diet is important and relevant to fitness.

Next, I hate to see a beautiful mom who gets and stays on frump mode. I love love love fashion, make up and hair! I wanted to be able to encourage moms to still take pride in their appearance and while I know you may be tired and it’s so incredibly easy to get comfortable, looking good and keeping yourself pampered works wonders for how you feel internally.

Moving on to parenting. I can not stress how much heart break I have on a regular basis when I see parents not being parents at all.Whether it’s because they were never taught, had a negative example or because they resent the fact that they are a parent and they just choose not to be a good one. Again, some people never know what they are lacking if you never show them an example to go by. A lot of people are just too proud, plain and simple. At the end of the day, your children can suffer greatly. Though I’m still learning every single day, I’d like to think my parents did a damn good job raising me and I feel I have some direction I can give both from them and my own experiences to those who seek it. Sometimes it just helps to talk to other parents about similar issues and wha la, you find the solution you’ve been battling to find for what seems like forever!

Lastly, Giveaways. Moms rarely get a break and for those single fathers out there, too, you’re included. I wanted to be able to give back and say thank you to the parents who are there for their kids, who raise their kids and who love their kids enough to want the best for them. Mommy Makeovers, Shopping Sprees, Daddy Days, Spa Days, Free Merchandise, Getaways and so much more. LoveMomStyle gave me a platform to be able to provide those things.
Operating LoveMomStyle gives me something to look forward to everyday single day. Everyday I get to meet someone new! Tomorrow is always promised to bring something new and exciting. You just have to be willing to receive it.<3
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