Thursday, August 8, 2013

The True Meaning of a Mother


The true meaning of the word "Mother" is "Sacrifice".
From the moment you conceive, you begin your Sacrifice.
Your body becomes this teeny tiny little person's home.
Your nourishment, your fluids, your blood are no longer just yours.
As your baby grows you sacrifice your figure..
Your comfort..
Your sleep..
Your favorite foods..
Your clothes..
Your activities..
The list goes on and on.
Then you give birth to this amazing little person who has occupied your tummy for months.
You Sacrifice your attention & every single little thing they do amazes you as if it's your first time every seeing it done.
You Sacrifice your sleep just so you can oversee them & make sure they're perfectly comfortable & safe.
You Sacrifice your body so that you can produce nutrients to give them the healthiest nourishment possible.
As they lay next to you, you Sacrifice your comfortability just so they are comfortable & not awakened. 
You will give yourself the most painful cramps just to accommodate them.
You Sacrifice your food because no matter how hungry you are, should they want some, you will never say no.
You Sacrifice your finances giving every last dime you can to make sure they are secure & have what they need even if it means Sacrificing what you need.
As they grow, you Sacrifice more time & energy to make sure they are taught every little thing they will need to know about this world. 
This Sacrifice extends from putting on their pants to driving their first car & even at that point..
..Your Sacrifice does not end.
You Sacrifice your ears, to listen to their rants, their dreams, their desires and their heartbreaks.
But most of all, you Sacrifice your Heart
You love unconditionally
And fully, with every breath that your have.
Without them your Heart could never beat as strongly as it does.
There is no greater Sacrifice than being a Mother
And there is no other Sacrifice worth Sacrificing more.

-Katrina DeLaFonte
Love MomStyle Network

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